Avon By Jackie

I have posted some of the ladies that have inspired me to reach for the stars. As you read their stories I hope you are inspired as well. I will continue to update and add new things. May sure that you check back.
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Wellness and Beauty in Harmony

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Donna Reid-Mitchell

Donna Reid-Mitchell was blessed as a child growing up in Jamaica to have a mother who played an active role in her children's lives. 'My fondest memory was of my mother, a stay-at-home mom who never worked, that is something that I have always treasured," says Donna. When she moved to the U.S. with an infant and a 7-year-old she knew she wanted to own a home-based business and Avon afforded her an ideal opportunity.

Donna quickly created a plan to achieve Senior Executive Unit Leader within a short period of time and did it by recruiting five new people every campaign. In an unhealthy marriage, she began her business with a goal of a mere $100 a campaign and just 36 in her Downline. She did not let excuses hold her back and achieved results despite her circumstances. It was her son, Yordan who helped her find her way. "He said Mommy, you are very good at this Avon thing and I am going to help you." That was a pivotal moment in Donna's life.

Starting over again
She rented a small apartment in New York and, together, Donna, Yordan, now 10 and Rhiannon, Donna's 4-year-old daughter continue to play an important role in her business by helping her hand out brochures when they go shopping. Being cramped in their small apartment, Donna promised her children that she would buy them a big house. Last year, Donna moved into a four-bedroom brick home in Frisco, Texas -- just one of her many dreams that are coming true.

Donna's Avon career also allows her to actively pursue her passion to help others by providing makeovers to cancer survivors both in the U.S. and in Jamaica.In two years she has done over 200 makeovers - all with Avon products. For Donna, its' about touching the lives of others in a positive way and she does it with her expertise in skincare and makeup that she learned as a Certified Beauty Advisor.

Success with the 90-Day Business Plan
That positive touch is also conveyed to her Downline who she strives to lead by example. "A leader is someone who sees opportunity where others don't," says Donna who helps her team set goals and how to execute them. She has found success with the Leadership 90-Day Business Plan.

Donna found the Beauty section especially revealing when she reviewed the findings with her Downline members. "I use the 90-Day Plan to look at three key indicators for a successful business with Avon," says Donna. "I look at the [Leadership Representatives] and the Representatives in their Downline to see who they have, what they need do to progress and the products that are being sold. And I found that people in my Downline were selling more licensed products, which only earn them 20% instead of the 50% earnings they could have made on Avon's core items. It was a real eye opener for me."Besides allowing Representatives to see their weak areas quickly and clearly, Donna says, the 90-Day Business Plan also convinces them to take their business more seriously. "When Representatives share their goals with me, I'm better able to partner with them to help them achieve their goals," says Donna. "And it makes them more accountable because we're telling them that by moving titles every 90 days, they can double their earnings, and everyone wants to make more money."

The result, according to Donna, is that more part-time Representatives are converting to career Representatives. In fact, in the first six months of using the 90-Day Business Plan, Donna has seen a jump of over 30 title advancements in her Downline.