Avon By Jackie

I have posted some of the ladies that have inspired me to reach for the stars. As you read their stories I hope you are inspired as well. I will continue to update and add new things. May sure that you check back.
I love my business. I am my own boss. Avon have helped achieve some of my goals. It can help you too. This is the only business that I know that you are able to start making money with a very very small one time investment. You are able to make pocket change. Send your kid through college or you can make a career out of it.
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Wellness and Beauty in Harmony

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lisa Wilber

Despite some pretty big obstacles that kept coming her way, Lisa M. Wilber of Weare, New Hampshire, always knew she had a date with destiny. "Every month I would wait by the window for the electric guy - you know, the guy who shuts off your service for nonpayment," says Lisa, recalling her earlier years in a trailer park. "A couple of times I had to run out chasing him up the pole, waving my cash and pleading with him to keep the electricity on for another month. He would roll his eyes and give me a disgusted look, like I was 'trailer trash.' I cried plenty, but it made me work harder and longer. I'd say to myself, 'Someday, I'm going to be somebody.'"

Lisa was an 18-year-old bride living in Guam, where her husband was stationed, when she first started selling Avon in 1981. Soon she was back in the States, working at a succession of low-paying jobs - third-shift convenience store clerk, waitress in a nightclub, bookkeeper, wedding invitation/business card designer and babysitter - while attending business college and selling Avon part-time. "It was pocket money," she says. In 1988, after earning two associate's degrees, Lisa moved to New Hampshire and found a secretarial job paying $15,000 a year plus full benefits. "I really thought I had made it big," she says with a laugh. But two years and four pay raises later, Lisa was downsized. "I was in a panic. But then my husband said, 'Honey, why don't you do more with that Avon thing you've been playing with.' " As time went by and Lisa still hadn't found a job, she decided to give Avon her best shot and she hasn't looked back.

Mentoring her Downline
Lisa takes personal responsibility for helping the members of her Downline succeed. "I receive dozens of calls and e-mails every day," says Lisa. "The best advice I can give is to treat your business like a real business, not some hobby or club." A true entrepreneur, Lisa's mission and the mission of her company, "The Winner in You", is to empower women through education, resources, service and by example.

Lisa continually establishes goals for herself and her team and monitors the team's progress while providing coaching and mentoring that includes business reviews, the sharing of resources (tapes, books, CDs), recognition of top sellers, incentives, weekly online chats, weekly conversations with top sellers and encouraging her Downline to continuously educate themselves.

The mother of 2-year-old Lydia Mae is currently leading an effort, with the Winchester, NH Historical Society, to raise $50K to create a Mrs. P.F.E. Albee Room at the Sheridan House Museum in Mrs. Albee's hometown of Winchester NH. It will include the renovation of a room and include 19th Century furnishings and memorabilia. Lisa is also a member of the Weare, NH Chamber of Commerce and has run for the NH House of Representatives.

Marketing herself
Lisa has appeared in Avon's "Rich and Famous" videos as well as Avon Dreams and Empowering Women magazines. Most recently Lisa volunteered to become an active member of the Partnership for Success 2 - a team incentive that encourages personal prospecting and recruiting. She has been featured in the MLM book Wave 4 by Richard Poe and has appeared on various radio stations and in numerous print publications including Executive Female, Networking Times and Fortune magazines.

She is the author of the direct-selling/network marketing book, Marketing Ideas for the Wild at Heart and has been recognized for her success by the Direct Selling Women's Alliance. Lisa has also earned a professional membership in the National Speakers Association. An example of a topic she is currently presenting is "24 Marketing and Support Ideas Guaranteed to Double Your Business." Lisa travels around the country sharing her experience and ideas and is scheduled to speak in NY, AZ, SC and CA in the coming months.

Despite her success, Lisa has moments of self-doubt. "To tell you the truth, I don't see myself as successful. I'm just getting started building my dream life. I have a lot of work to do and a lot of things to learn," she reflects. "I started out thinking that money would be the most important thing, but now I realize the best part about Avon is the stories of the people I've met and been able to help. I love the money - no doubt it has changed my life. But it's the stories I will remember and cherish forever."