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Wellness and Beauty in Harmony

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Flat Stomach
Description: Supports digestive balance to help alleviate the discomforts of bloating and gas�. With a special probiotic blend that provides intestinal health benefits. 30 easy-to-swallow capsules. Shop 24/7
Benefits of Probiotics

The following is a list of some of the known benefits of probiotics:

Every age benefits from probioticsHydrocarbons are broken down by probiotic bacteria which means the food is being split into its most basic elements. This allows almost total absorption through the digestive system. In this way probiotics dramatically increase overall nutrition and enhance rapid cellular growth and development.

The intestinal tract is cleaned by probiotics. They go under the layer of crud on the intestinal walls, attach themselves and dislodge the accumulated decay. This waste is then flushed out naturally.

Probiotics also produce many important enzymes and increase the availability of vitamins and nutrients, especially Vitamin B, Vitamin K, lactase, fatty acids and calcium.

Another one of the benefits of probiotics is that the bacteria strengthen the immune system. Because of this support to the immune system, they have been used in alleviating allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome and systemic candida.

Constipation is quickly relieved by probiotics and the bowel movements become normalized, which means diarrhea is also reduced.

These good bacteria produce specific proteins that act as antigens. The reservoirs of nonspecific antigens are then available for the immune system to use in battling all kinds of different disease conditions.

When probiotics attach themselves to the intestinal walls they produce a mildly acidic environment that slows the growth of disease-causing bacteria. This also helps the immune system because it is freed from some of the work in the intestines and can carry on its work in the rest of the body.

Probiotic bacteria work in symbiosis with tissue and organ cells to metabolize proteins and help eliminate toxic wastes from the body.

Additional benefits of probiotics come from the fact that they stimulate B-Lymphocyte and related anti-body production. They produce huge pools of extra anti-bodies, ready to protect and defend against infection.

Probiotic bacteria produce Lactoferrin as a by-product of their metabolism. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein essential to retrieving iron from foods we eat. Increased Lactoferrin can help relieve iron-assimilation deficiencies.

They help to kill viruses and parasites thus providing benefits of increased health.

People taking probiotics have experienced lowered cholesterol.

Allergies and skin problems are aided by taking probiotic bacteria.

Yeast and fungal infections are prevented, and sometimes eliminated with supplements of probiotics.

They also stimulate the body's own production of alpha-interferon, a key regulator of our immune response.

Since probiotics clean the colon, bad breath and body odor are greatly reduced. This is because the lungs and skin will be utilized by the body to help eliminate toxins when the intestinal tract is clogged and functioning poorly.

Why We Need Probiotic Supplements
Our bodies are designed to function best with millions of friendly probiotic bacteria living in our intestinal tract. In the past, we replaced the probiotics in our system by constantly through eating organic vegetables grown in dirt that was rich with soil-based organisms or drinking raw milk straight from the cow. I myself remember walking into the garden, pulling up young carrots, brushing as much dirt off them as possible and eating them on the spot. Think of the probiotics that were going into my system before I could wash them down the kitchen drain or boil them for 15 to 20 minutes.

Today we need probiotic supplements because there are so many influences that prevent us from getting the probiotics our bodies need.

* Today, at least in the United States, many people eat a horrible diet composed of highly processed foods that are filled with chemicals and simple sugars and carbohydrates. Potato chips and Oreo's are utterly devoid of anything living as are most of the boxed and prepared foods sold in the grocery stores.
* Because of the modern agricultural practices, such as the heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers, the soil-based microorganisms are no longer living in the dirt of most farms. We need probiotic supplements to replace what is missing in our food.
* The use of antibiotics (remember the "anti" means "against" biotics) directly kills the all bacteria in our intestinal tract.
* Drinking chlorinated water destroys our intestinal flora. The reason we put chlorine in the water is because it is able to kill bacteria and, unfortunately, it gets the good ones along with the bad when we drink it.
* The medical treatment of radiation and chemotherapy also destroys our intestinal flora as well as damaging our immune systems. Any course of chemotherapy absolutely must be followed with heavy doses of probiotic supplements.
* Farm animals are continuously fed antibiotics to keep diseases down. When people eat them they also are taking in these antibiotics which then harm the beneficial bacteria in their systems.
* Many people who are concerned with health use enemas and colonics for detoxification. These practices can wash some of the good bacteria out of their systems.
* Alcoholic beverages tend to harm probiotics by killing them directly, encouraging harmful bacteria and yeast overgrowth.

Unfortunately most people simply do not know that the health they experience right now has a direct connection to the billions of beneficial microorganisms that live in their gastrointestinal tract. These are microorganisms which help the body to break down and absorb foods, produce essential elements, while at the same time helping to clean putrefaction and waste, plus kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.